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Professional Backyard Landscape Design

Investing in an outdoor living area adds additional entertainment space and is a great way to improve your home’s value. It’s important to hire professional landscape contractors for your outdoor living space, so you get an incredible backyard landscape design project on time and budget with professional results.

If you’re looking for a reputable, experienced backyard landscape design contractor to transform your ordinary yard into an extraordinary outdoor living space, give us a call. Outside Living Concepts will create the oasis of your dreams with our custom services. We take care of everything, from installing refreshing water features to constructing the perfect patio. Contact us today to make your dream outdoor space a reality in Phoenix, AZ.

Custom Landscape Patio in Metropolitan Phoenix Area

Why Should I Build an Outdoor Living Space?


Unless you’re living in an upscale community where you’re trying to keep up with the latest backyard landscape design projects, people drive by most homes in Phoenix, AZ, without even turning their head. There are exceptions, of course, and homes for sale with beautiful outdoor living spaces tend to sell faster because of their great curb appeal. People who care about their property’s appearance and curb appeal are wise to add features to enhance their outdoor living space. They have not only added equity by constructing an elegant space for entertaining and relaxing, but they have also substantially increased their living area.

Outside Living Concepts has the experience to help you create an amazing backyard living area. Invest in a space that will pay off whether you plan on enjoying it for years to come or decide to sell your home.

Create a Customized Backyard Living Space

We have the know-how to turn your yard into a customized oasis. Whatever your vision, we have the practical expertise, knowledgeable staff, and attention to detail you need to make it happen. We construct:

Outdoor Kitchen and BBQ Islands

An island is a practical and aesthetically pleasing way to add functionality and beauty to any space. With an island, you can easily store all your cooking and barbecue supplies in one place, which makes cooking outside easier than ever. In addition, people naturally gravitate around an island, making staying social while grilling and prepping a seamless process.

Outside Living Concepts can create a personalized kitchen and BBQ island with features that include:

  • Side Burners
  • Kegerator
  • Pizza Oven
  • Sink, Drawers, and Prep Counters
  • Built-In Fridge
  • Overhead Shade
  • Bistro Tables and Bar Tops
  • And More

Say goodbye to running back and forth from the house to the grill and say hello to convenience and more time enjoying yourself with your guests.

Fireplaces and Fire Pits

Add coziness and class to your outdoor living space with a fireplace or fire pit. Whether you’re throwing a party or relaxing with family after work, everyone will love the warmth, intimacy, and welcoming qualities of fire. Outside Living Concepts will construct a fireplace or fire pit that adds to your architectural décor, and you can select from a variety of stones, styles, and materials for the perfect product. It doesn’t matter whether you want a structurally grand fireplace or an elegant fire pit that leaves the views open for admiration—we’ll always keep your preferences in mind, take accurate measurements, and craft a stunning result.

Water Features

Running water is particularly refreshing, tranquil, and desirable in Arizona’s arid climate. Outside Living Concepts can design and install budget-friendly and eco-friendly water features for an oasis experience in your outdoor living space. We can create:

  • Sheet Waterfalls: A sleek, contemporary water feature with falling water that looks like a glimmering sheet.
  • Cascading Waterfalls: Water cascades into an elegant bed of gravel.
  • Water Gardens: Create a mini haven with a pond full of aquatic plants and bright koi and goldfish.
  • Custom Features: Give us your ideas, and we’ll custom create your ideal water feature.

Pools and Spas

A pool or spa is a stunning focal point for your outdoor living space. Beat the heat and enhance relaxation with a pool that has an impressive design, lighting, layout, and more. Outside Living Concepts will work with you to build a product that suits your lifestyle, your personality, and your tastes. We pay meticulous attention to the details from start to finish, taking care of everything from construction to the pumps and filtration system. A refreshing pool is practically a necessity in Arizona, and you need experts to make sure everything is just right in order to maximize the value you get out of your investment. Turn to us for the pool of your dreams. We have unbeatable industry experience.


Want to get started on building a beautiful outdoor living space? Begin with a patio. Outside Living Concepts will construct your ideal patio for entertaining guests and unwinding with loved ones. We’ll make sure your patio is just right for your property by taking care of size, design, and more. For a safe and beautiful space, contact us.

Get an Experienced Landscape Design Contractor

Thinking about getting backyard landscaping services? The first place to start is hiring a quality landscape contractor with design experience that can create a master plan for your outdoor living space. Even if you are doing things in phases, you should always have a master plan! With that plan, your landscape contractor should give you an itemized list of the costs, which will help identify and reel in the budget. Most people looking for professional backyard landscaping services have a wish list greater than their budget. The majority of those people are not familiar with how much things cost and often are “sticker shocked” when they see how much their backyard landscape design really costs.

Make sure you discuss your budget with your landscape contractor. You are going to spend the money anyway, so to get the biggest bang for your buck, discuss how much you would like to invest in your outdoor living space. Ask the landscape contractor what the best way is to spend those dollars on your outdoor living space. It doesn’t matter whether you have a $5,000 or $50,000 budget, just make sure the money you must invest in your outdoor living space is spent as wisely as possible.

Let’s say you are getting three bids and you have a $15,000 budget. If all three bids are within 10 percent of one another, then the ONLY thing that should make the decision for you at that point is who you trust the most to do a good job for you.

Throw the numbers out of the decision equation. Who was on time for every appointment? Who gave you the best ideas? Who had the best follow-up? Who had good references or a solid contracting record with the Registrar of Contractors (ROC)? These are the questions you need to ask yourself when bids are fairly close.

In landscape construction, like most other forms of construction, you get what you pay for. Once in a great while, the low bidder can do a good job for you. But low bidders often cut corners, which has a direct effect on the overall quality and finished product. Also, don’t forget about warranties. Many low bidders have what we call a “tail light” warranty. In other words, once they’re off the job and they drive away—good luck ever seeing them again if something goes wrong.

After you have nailed down the budget for your backyard landscaping project, the next step is to do a design based on that budget. The full master plan can and should still be drawn even though you may not be able to afford your entire wish list. Simply execute that portion of the plan with the money you have now, and you can always do other things later in phase two. A good landscape contractor thinks fast on his feet and can roll with customer changes with little difficulty. They also have an eye for detail and project management. Most installs require several crews all of whom have their own area of expertise. This needs to be scheduled one after the other like a well-choreographed dance for maximum results.

Contact Us Today

Unless you’re living in an upscale community where you’re trying to keep up with the latest backyard landscape design projects, people drive by most homes in Phoenix, AZ, without even turning their head. There are exceptions, of course, and homes for sale with beautiful outdoor living spaces tend to sell faster because of their great curb appeal. People who care about their property’s appearance and curb appeal are wise to add features to enhance their outdoor living space. They have not only added equity by constructing an elegant space for entertaining and relaxing, but they have also substantially increased their living area.

Interested in adding outdoor living space to your home? Contact the landscape and outdoor living contractors in Phoenix, AZ, from Outside Living Concepts today for custom services!

Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation